Brother to Brother
Essay prompts: use evidence/examples/quotes when possible.
A) James Baldwin is one of the most critically acclaimed black writers in the country (if you haven't read him yet, you will in Becker's class). Richard Bruce Nugent, although not as well known, is probably equally talented. They are both gay, yet they forced to separate their struggle for equal rights as black men and equal rights as gay men. Why?
Erby's notes:
Erby's notes:
Prompt C) Scholars claim there are 6 main themes of the HR. The film Brother to Brother is contemporary and therefore ~ 75 years after the HR. Which themes do you still see present in the black community, as illustrated by the movie?
Erby's notes:
A) James Baldwin is one of the most critically acclaimed black writers in the country (if you haven't read him yet, you will in Becker's class). Richard Bruce Nugent, although not as well known, is probably equally talented. They are both gay, yet they forced to separate their struggle for equal rights as black men and equal rights as gay men. Why?
Erby's notes:
- black males in Perry's class: hostile towards gay issues. Don't even want to watch film (Perry's project). They are the black community and they don't see gay rights civil or equal rights.
- black kid in Perry's class jumped him: black on black violence
- video clip with Eldridge Cleaver who looked down on Baldwin, judged him and basically crucified him by saying "you let the white man F you in the ass, what does that make you?" Cleaver's calling him a whore and a sell out. By Cleaver's definition (a well-respected Black Panther/activist) one can't be black AND gay.
- The NAACP burning "Fire" because they don't agree with content--homosexuality. --> again, it's separating minorities instead of recognizing that minorities can and do have the same struggle: the struggle for equality.
- basically: gay black men have 2 strikes against them. 1) gay men didn't accept them because they're black 2) black men didn't accept them because they're gay (cynical comment: I guess black gay women have 3 strikes. Figures.)
- equal rights are equal rights. if they're not applied to everyone they're not equal
Erby's notes:
- Publisher says to Thurman that the public wants a Harlem that is dark, dangerous and violent --> Thurman says that's not accurate. It's like what Dubois was saying in "Criteria of Negro Art:" (see yellow book)-in the past white people told black history and experience and being told second hand is inauthentic.
- Publisher says to Hurston that Nigger Heaven was the best selling book written by a white person but the public wants an authentic voice. --> isn't this contradictory? They get an authentic voice but then Thurman was told it's inauthentic because Harlem wasn't painted as a dark and dangerous place.
- Publisher says to Hurston that her voice needs to change from vernacular to white English ---> she explains that it's written for her people and they'll understand it fine
- Interesting point: Ms. Cunnane gave me a copy of Hurston's most famous book "Their Eyes are Watching Go" but I didn't finish it--it was too hard to read in the vernacular and I lost interest. (note: although this is VERY bad modeling for you guys, I have read other Hurston novels, and "Dust Tracks on a Road" is one of my favorites).
- Perry is told that before he can get an art gallery his art has to change
- HR theme: pride
Prompt C) Scholars claim there are 6 main themes of the HR. The film Brother to Brother is contemporary and therefore ~ 75 years after the HR. Which themes do you still see present in the black community, as illustrated by the movie?
Erby's notes:
- anger at racism: Marcus
- pride: Perry is out
- reconstruct meaning of Negro: black can be gay; not separate
- negro heritage and history: entire film is a reflection on HR when black culture flourished and was appreciated by all